Monday, May 19, 2008

Something I should have learned

Every summer when I was girl there would be a struggle with my mom and I over the fact that she wanted me to have sewing lessons.  She was the teacher, I was the student, and the story went the same way every year.....It would start off with me complaining about how I never wanted to sew, we would eventually get to lesson number one where I would learn about how to cut out a pattern, and then that was the end.  I always found a way to weasel my way out of it and never get past lesson number one, hence the reason that I never learned how to sew.  What a good mom I have for trying to teach me every year...thanks for trying mom :-)

I have been itching to learn how to sew for quite a while now.  I want to make some throw pillows for my couch, but wait, I can't, I don't know how to sew!  Oh how I wish I had learned when I was young.  I love that when my dear friend Ashley (here is a link to her fun blog, something pretty) needs a new dress she can just pull out the sewing machine and whip one up...amazing...and so incredibly awesome. 

So, all of this to say that we just got a sewing machine.  Last week we were at Brian's Grandma Mary's house cleaning some things out and he noticed, "that piece of furniture is actually a sewing machine."  It looks like a small desk, but the top opens up and then a sewing machine pops out, pretty cool.  Brian's parents were sweet enough to let us have it, and here it is below.  We are planning on sanding it down and then refinishing it with a different stain.  (The pictures aren't the best because the lighting in the room was horrible, but you get the picture).

He was so determined to get the needle threaded and get it working, and he did!  Now we are both determined to learn how to sew....I have no excuses this time :-)

1 comment:

Ashmaxphoto said...

GIRL!! I love the sewing machine..How cute are you domestic I love it! We can encourage each other to sew..we can go to fabric shopping, and find old remnants in antique stores..YAY!!! Oh..and the girl Kristen that I just photographed got both dresses at Urban..go figure:)so cute.